Getting Started

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Email Templates

Below is an email that you can use to introduce your team to Levo.

Customize away, but we recommend making sure that you answer three key points in your launch email:

  1. What you are doing (working with Levo to better listen to employees and act on feedback)

  2. Why you are doing it (to become better employers and adjust benefits / offerings to employee needs)

  3. What you are expecting from the team (complete surveys, share feedback re: experience, tell their friends, and you will see results!)

Subject: Help us improve! Employee engagement surveys and check-in calls

Hi Team,

Here at [Company Name], we believe in being better together. Our commitment extends beyond simply the business to ensure that each team member feels heard, supported, and valued on a personal level. I am thrilled to introduce a new tool designed to help our communication, understand individual viewpoints, and improve your day-to-day experience. Let's grow together!

We’ll be using Levo to help us better listen and support your growth. You are the core of our team, and we want to make sure we're creating a work environment that meets your needs. You will soon start receiving semi-regular text-based surveys – the first survey will be sent out on [DATE]. These surveys are your direct line to share your thoughts, and they'll help me and the other managers make sure we're supporting you the best we can. Don't worry, these surveys will only take a few seconds to fill out.

I'm looking forward to bringing in your input to help us build a more connected and supportive workplace. If you have any questions about Levo or the surveys, feel free to reach out to your manager or directly to me.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]