Navigating Levo

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An intro to the Levo Employee Dashboards

An intro to the Levo Employee Dashboards

An intro to the Levo Employee Dashboards

Business at a Glance

Managers can also view metrics at a higher level, checking details across specific regions / geographies.

Hires by Region:

Shows the number of new employees hired in each state / region during the last week or month. This helps to see which areas are growing and how well hiring is going.

Terminations by Region:

Shows the number of people that left the company in a specific region, for reasons such quitting, retiring, or being let go, during the past week or month.

Escalations Resolved:

Counts how many escalations (employees who were flagged as termination risks) were resolved in each area. This shows how well the escalation management strategies are working in those places.

Survey Completions:

Shows what percent of employees in each area finished the surveys. This helps you understand how involved and responsive the employees are in different regions.