Exploring Features

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Discover all the feature included in Levo

Explore Features Specific to SMS Surveys

Text-based surveys: 
  • Caregivers receive a brief survey, no more than 3-4 questions, taking less than 20 seconds to complete.

  • Surveys are sent out via SMS every 30 days on average - managers can adjust how often they are sent out depending on their needs.

  • Users will be reminded up to four times to encourage them to complete the survey.

  • If text messaging is not an option, email can be utilized as an alternative.

Typeform integration
  • Typeform is a tool that lets you create surveys, quizzes, and forms. 

  • Integrating Typeform with your systems, like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, means that instead of manually entering survey responses, they go in automatically and in real time with less work and no mistakes.

Exit surveys
  • When an employee leaves, it’s important to collect unbiased feedback from them.

  • The exit survey collects impartial data to understand the reasons behind their departure, which over time can reveal patterns that might’ve been missed. 

Virtual Contact Card
  • Assigning a virtual contact for the company means that when employees receive surveys on their phones or emails, they see them coming from a recognizable source, not just a random or unknown number or email address. This recognition can increase the chances that employees engage with the survey. 

Conditional Questions 
  • Conditional questions ensure that each employee is treated as a unique individual. Our model utilizes decision tree logic to ask targeted questions, delving deeper into issues such as employee burnout

At Risk Personnel
  • This feature is integrated into our Dashboard and Reports and allows us to show real-time data on employees most at risk of resigning 

Onboarding message: 
  • Personalized messages and instructions tailored to the new hire's job level ensure that the onboarding experience is as smooth as possible. It also includes a calibration question to ensure that there is now misinterpretation of future survey questions, ensuring accurate results right from Day 1